TOC Test

TOC+ (Table Of Content Extended)

  • Est une extension pour WordPess qui reconstitue  automatiquement le sommaire d’un article à partir de ses titres
  • Mais il fait bien plus que ça …

Exemples de certains des Short-codes de TOC+

sitemap_posts orderby=title order=asc separate=true




  1. label: text, title of the table of contents
  2. no_label: true/false, shows or hides the title
  3. wrapping: text, either “left” or “right”
  4. heading_levels: numbers, this lets you select the heading levels you want included in the table of contents. Separate multiple levels with a comma. Example: include headings 3, 4 and 5 but exclude the others with heading_levels="3,4,5"
  5. exclude
  6. class: text, enter CSS classes to be added to the container. Separate multiple classes with a space.


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